
Tight Pussy – The rare Truth Behind The Tight Vagina Myth

Women with tight pussy sometimes worry about them to be very tight for sex. This isn’t abnormal because a female’s vagina changes its elasticity over time as a result of aging and hormonal changes. Things like childbirth and pregnancy would also affect the tightness of the vagina.

Sometimes the pussy tightness is more than usual which makes females worried. This particular tightness leads to discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse.

In reality, a female vagina is never too tight for having sex. Pain and discomfort during sex are other stated issues that females experience only at the time when no sufficient lubrication is provided.

Usually, females get aroused which is enough to make them moist from inside, tight or loose vagina both are approx. 3-4 inches long. Upon sexual arousal, a vagina expands in length and width with marked lubrication. Even if they feel their vagina is too tight to have sex, the following factors should be looked upon.

  • Injury
  • Illness
  • Congenital conditions
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Stress

Changes in Vagina Tightness

At the time of childbirth, the vagina changes its elasticity to prepare for the baby’s birth. There is a whole story behind each relatable cause which we are going to look at.

Hormonal Fluctuations
Hormonal Fluctuations

Tight pussy cannot remain tight forever, in a female’s life hormonal fluctuations plays a big part. These changes are the result of the monthly menstrual cycle and after a certain age menopause puts a major burden on these hormones.

At the time of childbearing, a female begins to experience hormonal fluctuations at different points, on the first day of her period she will experience very low levels of estrogen and progesterone.

As the cycle continues towards the ovulation process, this is where the hormonal levels rise. The increased level of estrogen and progesterone act as lubricants and supports vaginal elasticity until that time.

After the ovulation period, these hormones are dropped again so now the vagina is less flexible and much dry. These after-menstrual cycle effects are the key players for a tight pussy or enhanced tightness of a vagina.

Sex During Pregnancy Can Be More Beneficial Than You Thought

Pregnancy has a major impact on a female’s vagina, the baby comes out at the time of childbirth as a result of an enlarged uterus that puts extra pressure on the vagina.

Some females experience different changes in their vagina like color change, increased vaginal discharge, and feeling pressure at the site. The last part where females feel pressure and fullness in their vagina is the time when she feels her vagina is extra tight than normal.

Sometimes the vaginal discharge caused by pregnancy makes it easier for women to feel more vaginal elasticity. Vagina regains its natural elasticity after the pregnancy.

Related: Post Pregnancy Effects on Women Sex Life

Childbirth and Breastfeeding
Advice from a lactation consultant

The vagina dilates at the time of childbirth which facilitates the process of delivery of a baby. Only sometimes it has been noticed that the vagina contracts to its normal size after childbirth.

It’s completely normal for females to experience minor changes to their vagina following natural birth. Some females may experience injury like tearing of the vagina which can be healed over time.

Breastfeeding women may also experience vaginal dryness due to hormonal changes. This dryness can also be narrated as tightness during sex.

painful sex due to vaginal dryness

When a woman is ready for sex, her vagina releases a type of discharge that can be used as a natural lubricant. This enables penetration without pain or discomfort.

However, when a female is not sufficiently aroused or her vaginal muscles aren’t dilated properly, the sex will result in pain and discomfort because generally, they feel it’s too tight.

This is why building up prolonged foreplay to achieve arousal is the key, while some women prefer taking a warm bath before intercourse that does the same thing to them.

This is why adding more lubricant can be beneficial as research says. There are many forms of lubricants available in the market which makes sex more pleasurable. Buy the lubricant that is water-soluble if men wearing condoms.

Tight Pussy – Myth or Reality? The Treatments

Tight pussy isn’t an ideal deal for most scenarios, the only vagina you would want is the one that has a mild tightness, lubrication without sheer looseness.

For loose vagina, here are the treatments for females around the globe.

The KEGEL EXERCISES helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. To learn about pelvic floor muscles, these surround the vagina and keeps the womb, bladder, and rectum at a fixed place. Once these muscles have lost their elasticity, the vagina can feel less tight.

Kegel exercises are meant to make the pelvic floor muscles elastic and stronger than usual, on females, the kegel exercises make an exceptional difference by improving overall health.

Medically, strong pelvic muscles prevent the chances of organ prolapse in which the organs slip out of their place.

You can perform efficient kegel exercises by following these steps.

  • Locating the right muscle: During urination, stop the flow of urine by pushing pelvic floor muscles. This doesn’t mean you only perform kegel exercise while urinating, this can be bad at times for the bladder health.
  • Finding a Time: Pick a time to relax and focus on gently squeezing pelvic floor muscles.
  • Holding the Time: Squeeze and hold that position when the contraction of these muscles feels natural. This squeeze must be held for 10 seconds at max.
  • Releasing: Release these muscles for 3 seconds now.
  • Repeat: This contraction of the muscles, gently squeezing for 10 seconds and 3 seconds release must be done 10 times in a row.

Some doctors recommend electrical stimulation for vaginal tightness which contract the pelvic floor muscles.

The process involves the insertion of a sensor into the vagina, this sensor passes a small electrical current which contracts the muscles repeatedly to make them stronger.

Related: Best Vaginal Tightening Exercises for Loose Vagina

Vaginal Surgery

Women who think about doing surgery to make their vagina tighter are mostly talked about by their doctors to choose the natural option.

Vaginoplasty like surgeries is recommended by the doctors only after pelvic organ prolapse. This procedure ensures that organs such as the bladder, vagina, rectum come to their original location.

V-Tight Gel- Tightening Gel for Tight Pussy!

v tight gel

Many people still don’t believe this but science has approved the use of natural gels and creams for vaginal tightness.

Usually, these creams and gels are incorporated with chemicals but V-Tight Gel is supposed to be the miracle for most women with a loose vagina.

When we describe V-Tight Gel, we actually detail the natural ingredients present inside it and how they all work to provide the vaginal elasticity and core strength.

It’s better if you use V-Tight Gel with kegel exercise, the gel is applied sometimes before sex and within few minutes the vagina becomes tighter. This is the best tightening gel for females with an extra loose vagina and whose confidence level about to crack.

V-Tight Gel is a soothing gel with clinically safe and approved ingredients to tighten the vaginal muscles from the outside. These ingredients are:

Manjakani Extract: The active ingredient of V-Tight Gel that does most of the work. It’s a natural herb with astringent effects that have been called beneficial by clinical science Manjakani extract restore the vaginal walls by repairing the damaged tissues. Plus, it’s best for increasing lubrication and reduces vaginal discharge that causes bad odor.

Citrus Extract: Prevents the acidity in the vagina that helps sustain the natural vaginal environment. The citrus extract has no side effects on vaginal skin.

Arginine: For maximum arousal, the role of arginine in V-Tight Gel is to improve blood supply and open up the blood vessels.


Tight pussy isn’t a myth nor a reality, it’s a mere physical condition female is supposed to have over the year passes. Some conditions cause temporary loss of vaginal elasticity which recovers after some time.

A tight pussy is a symptom that females experience due to the lack of arousal before sex or because of hormonal changes due to the aforementioned reasons.

Permanent loss of vaginal elasticity is not true; its true vagina expands to a larger extent at the time of childbirth but it always returns to its original state. Natural birth takes more time to regain the vagina’s elasticity than menopause or breastfeeding does.

It’s essential to perform kegel exercise for better tightness and get your head in the game. More treatments that are natural must be used rather than going for the surgical options.

In our review about Tight Pussy, V-Tight Gel is the best thing females could have in 2020 to subtract the loose vagina factor from their list.